Client information updates 2020

Working together to deliver improved value for New Zealanders.

Each year, we organise sessions for our clients in order to provide updates about the latest thinking in reporting, auditing, and other topics of value for the public sector.  

Our aim is to provide knowledge, expertise, and insights designed to respond to the needs of governors (including audit and risk committees, mayors, councillors, and board members) and senior managers. The updates also include more technical, detailed advice for professionals involved with reporting.

As part of our response to the Covid-19 situation, we have provided this year’s material via video presentations on our website, so that viewers can explore the material at a pace that takes account of their busy schedules. The themes also respond to challenges that our clients now face, such as planning for unexpected events or dealing with additional reporting requirements to do with Coivd-19 and climate change.

Should you have questions about the videos below, your appointed auditor is there to help in the first instance, or you can send enquiries to

Page last updated: 7 October 2020