Case study 8.2

Asset management for public entities: Learning from local government examples.

Wellington City Council – Openness to external review means you can be confident that your planning stacks up against the best

Wellington City Council has an established, open, approach to peer review. All of the Council's plans have been externally reviewed over the three-year period to 2007/08, with a status assigned to each asset management plan and recommendations made. These have been incorporated into the relevant asset management plan improvement programme. This places the Council in a strong position to ensure that its planning aligns with the level of appropriate industry practice that it has determined for each asset group.

The Council has indicators and performance measures to assess the effectiveness of its planning.

Wellington City Council monitors the effectiveness of its planning

Indicator Measure Source of information
Compliance with legislative requirements Unqualified audit opinion relating to asset management plan outputs Audit New Zealand reports
Quality of services delivered 100% compliance with level of service targets Annual Plan reporting
Quality of risk management No event occurring outside of risk profile Audit of risk register