Case study 7.4

Asset management for public entities: Learning from local government examples.

Environment Bay of Plenty – Talking to the community about levels of service and using consultation as a basis for setting levels of service gives the Council confidence that it is meeting local need

Levels of service for current rivers and drainage scheme asset management plans were developed at the inception of each scheme, but have subsequently been revisited and confirmed through stakeholder communications. These communications include:

  • formal liaison meetings;
  • newsletters;
  • rating reclassifications;
  • complaints information; and
  • ratepayer feedback.

In reviewing the levels of service in asset management plans, the Council takes into account the responses it receives during LTCCP and Annual Report submissions. These submissions are documented and actioned through an existing council submission process. Minutes are taken at each River Scheme Liaison Group meeting. Where changes to levels of service are agreed, they are implemented through a revision to the relevant asset management plan.