Information updates are back on!

We're re-launching Audit New Zealand client events! These sessions will feature a range of experts from Audit New Zealand and the Office of the Auditor-General, sharing the latest thinking in reporting, auditing, and other topics of value for the public sector.

Register now!
Join us at our second session as Audit New Zealand's Director, Specialist Audit and Assurance Services, Martin Richardson, discusses why procurement is important and highlights the areas where we consider most improvement is needed.

Catching up?
At our first session in 2024, Audit New Zealand's Associate Director Technical, Amy Hamilton, discussed why greenwashing is a risk to trust and confidence and why interest in climate-related disclosures is on the rise.


Model financial statements: Public benefit entities

These model statements are designed to help you provide essential information to the users of your financial statements. The models include our latest thinking on meeting financial reporting and legislative requirements.

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Model financial statements: For profit entities

These model statements use electricity distribution businesses and a licensing trust to show how to report your information.

Good practice resources


Good procurement

This guide for governors and senior managers poses questions and provides indicators that tell us whether your organisation is sourcing goods and services effectively. See also advice about the Government Procurement Rules and other requirements for the way you spend public money.


Effectively managing contracts

Contract management takes place once goods and services have been sourced and delivered. It has a strategic intent of maximising operational and financial performance while minimising risk.


Good performance reporting

Good performance reporting is critical to trust and confidence in an organisation. These documents provide guidance on topics including annual reports, statements of intent, and performance management.


Integrity and probity

Integrity is about doing the right thing. It supports probity, which helps to maintain market confidence. These guides for senior managers and governors set out what integrity and probity look like in a work context and sit alongside our guide on managing risks from conflicts of interest.


Portfolio, programme, and project management

Portfolio, programme, and project management comes with a responsibility to ensure that public funds are used effectively. These guides are for governors and managers responsible for ensuring project management produces the intended benefits.



Governance controls the way an organisation operates. It sets objectives, establishes the means to meet those objectives, and monitors performance. Good governance uses effective risk management and helps you see and take opportunities to better achieve goals.


Tax matters

As the leading provider of audit services to the public sector, we have an extensive knowledge of public sector tax issues.


Long-term plans

Having audited long-term plans since 2006, we understand the significant effort that councils invest in their preparation. Our guidance for the 2021-31 plans is relevant for thinking ahead to the 2024-34 plans.


Asset management

Good asset management ensures that investment in physical assets and infrastructure is cost effective and supports service delivery. it also reduces risk and provides better value for money. Our guides provide lessons that might help you manage your assets effectively and efficiently.


Importance of a good relationship

Whangārei District Council successfully re-engineered its annual report process. It meant taking a step back, getting out of the detail, and questioning the way it was doing things – not just within the finance department, but throughout the council. A big contributor to its success was the relationship with Audit New Zealand...


We have a wealth of resources designed to help you prepare for your auditors, including a toolbox of "how to" videos, checklists, questionnaires, and other resources.

You can download lots of the documents so you can customise them for your organisation.